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Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Monday, 16 November 2015

Can Money Bring you This?

While Money can bring you toys, it can't grant you happiness. In life money isn't everything but still it is something. Of Course you need money to live a quality life. but it should not be the prime objective. Remember your prime objective and ultimate result is Happiness.

 Happiness is something that we all strive for, yet many of us find it challenging to grasp and even harder to maintain. Especially during these difficult economic times, happiness can feel like it is hiding just behind next week’s paycheck, a new job, or a distant raise. 

 As adults we can attain happiness in one way or other. What about Children? They are not aware of this saying " Money alone can buy you happiness, but not much". the only thing they care about is being happy. Provide them with Games such as Car Games and your job is accomplished up to 90%. what about the remaining 10. well these includes other things.

    I would provide you with 10 Such ways to attain Happiness not only for your kids but also yourself. the best thing about these ways is that these have nothing to do with money. these are:

1- Practice Gratitude

2- Find a place of Flow 3- Smile More Eat less 4- Embrace your Mistakes 5- Maintain an optimistic attitude 6- Support yourself with Supportive People 7- Learn when to say No 8- Practice Forgiveness 9- spend more time in nature 10-Try New Things:

The new things can be many, how about engaging in different car racing games with your kids. This would surely bring happiness in your life.