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Thursday, 19 December 2013

Top 6 Games for Christmas and New Year

 One hidden secret, over fourteen hundred years old. We are entering the new year 2014, and what awaits us before that is the Final Occasion of the year ‘Christmas’. What else could be the moment to unravel the secret known by many yet apprehended by few?

“Jesus Christ is still alive....”

Yes, that’s true. The happiness which we are able to enjoy, on the particular blessed event of the Christ’s birth, ‘The Holy Christmas’ is enough as a confirmation. He is with us when we smile and we appreciate and spread the feelings of love. He is present, close to us, when we sacrifice a cake on the occasion of Christmas Eve. His well wishes surrounds us in the form of prayers throughout the year and on the special day. For the peace on the 7 earths , in the 7 skies, and under the waters, he is the reason, the source and the beloved of the One who keeps us united. 

BEHOLD! Our Holy Christ is the Viceroy of God. He knows what our needs are. 

along with the feeling of being close to our Christ, let it be the time to enjoy the beautiful occasion, for we all knew that the prides come once in the year. To speak the truth, there is a pleasant memory of being the Chosen one exists, which enable us to celebrate the occasion in the real sense. This is the occasion when we are charged with a new enthusiasm to welcome the new year ahead. This is the moment for grownups, where they are provided with the golden opportunity to eradicate all the elements of hatred and instead grant space to love and happiness. 

The specialty of the Jesus Christ lies in his ability to develop an affectionate bond with the tinny tiny little kids. The cuteness of the cute kids pay them well where they are able to enjoy the bulks of love supplements provided by , their parents, brothers, sisters, friends and of course Jesus Christ himself. 

So began the story of providing the best presents to the children. While none can take the place of traditional ways of delivering presents via Santa Claus. But to our surprise last year Santa adapted to the new technological trends. Who could have thought that the year to come after 2012  would build upon such presents from Santa which would dwell upon technology?  Thanks to Santa ‘a symbol of happiness’ last year, children learned to develop their festive moods and intellectual skills upon the Online Computer Games. 

The yearly review reveals the top six gaming sites which were able to earn the hearts of billions of kids across the globe and are expected to carry on this trend for the next manifold seasons. The list of the evergreen online games includes the following:

Dora Games 

This is a game combing both the entertainment for kids as well as the platform for the various skills’ nourishment. Here the children can play with their favorite character Dora. In return, Dora teaches them the rules of life. Through Dora Dress up Games, the art of dressing properly is taught to the little princesses. And likewise thorough Dora cooking, the girls are able to master the skills regarding kitchen handling. For the little brave boys the Dora Games discloses infinte quantity of wonders.

Typing Games

The need of time well sensed by the gaming industry, resulted in the classic art-work. In this game the children are introduced to their new friends ‘The Alphabets’. This game comprises of high quality content. Its prime objective is to equip the children with keyboard writing skills. The Typing Games are hence the best platform for the parents who want to make the future of their kids secure. Realizing the challenges of the World 2014 ahead, the trend is changing from semi-manual to the wholesome automatic, Typing Master games. For the success lovers these have emerged as a blessing. 

Car Games

The game which was able to earn the heart of many is non other than Car Racing Games . Built upon high quality digital scenario, the pictures transforms the person from the imaginary planet to the World of realty beyond 2014. The games' graphics are supported by the eye catching themes and the real natural background never fails to hypnotize the users hence pinning them to the chairs all the way through the classical journeys. The year 2013 belonged to the Car Games and there is no reason the years ahead would not.

Football Games

If you are waiting for The Football Olympics 2014 then you should have known this. The Football Games, already have stolen away the Olympics 2014. Speaking in terms of numbers, it has overtaken the line of billions of such people who enjoyed the fourteen’s game in the year 2013. This is true and the real game is on the Internet. This online game has never provided the chance to its user to think otherwise. This game has such superlative graphical effects which cannot be explained in words. So hurry to be a part of the real tournament 2014 . All you have to do is to log on the Football Games 2014.

Shooting Games

In public, the best way to shoot people is through cameras and on the computer’s screen , through guns, rifles and even tanks etc. This idea is well anticipated throughout Dizzingling Shooting Games. In this game you can shoot anyone with pleasure and without feeling any regret. Speaking in terms of wars, you can become the commander of your own army and put them to test. The Inbound HiFi Quality Graphics of the Gun Shooting Games never allow you a second choice other than making your presence in the battle filed a reality. With such games and in the years to come, people are expected to be found on the virtual battle grounds, fighting without shedding the real blood.

Truck Games

Are you thinking of driving something big on this Christmas occasion. Step in the Truck Games and buckle up your seatbelt. This game has inspired a lot, including even the lovers of atom size cars. The game itself is built upon the qulities of such graphics which urges the players to get ready for the ride of their lives. Over the four seasons this game has remained at the top of the best gaming list and its popularity is expected to rise in the future years. So decorate the lives of your family by providing them some extra, via the all rounders MonsterTruck Games. Trust me, this Christmas belongs to you.

So lets welcome the arrival of the Jesus Christ along with The Christmas. Because we believe, he is still alive. He is still with us. He truly survives. 

The reason is there, for us to enjoy the holidays accosted by the Merry Christmas. Let's say farewell to the year 2013 and with online classic games let us enter the New Year 2014. although we all know, that we'll have to wait another 365 days to meet the Christmas again. the phrase 'Tomorrow Never Dies' is promising yet another year with the message from our Jesus Christ as the following one: 

The Poem of the Return
This is the Truth testified
Let all should be satisfied
I wasn't the one crucified
I was the person who defended
Each correct word which was given to me
Yes I am the Sun to light your way
You accept and take after me you say
Rejoice! Here comes the Holy Spirit 
To make our day count on this Christmas Eve

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